10. Source the ROS Environment

Source the ROS Environment

Source the ROS Environment

Environment Setup

Before we begin using ROS in a terminal, we must first ensure that all of the environment variables are present. To do this, we must source the setup script provided by ROS


Make sure you use the bash command source rather than ./ . There’s a subtle distinction between the two commands, in that source executes the script in the current session, while ./ will start a new session, containing a copy of the current environment. When a script executed via ./ is exited, all environment variables set by it will be lost. We don’t want this. For more information on environment variables and terminal sessions, please see here .

Automatically Configuring the Environment

Setting up the ROS environment every time you open a new terminal window can be painful and tedious. To avoid the tedium, we can simply add the command to source the workspace to our ~/.bashrc file . This will cause our environment to be sourced any time a new terminal session is created. Fortunately, this command has been already added for you.

Source the ROS Environment

Which one of the statements below is true regarding the bash source command?

SOLUTION: Executes the bash script within the existing environment.

Source the ROS Environment

Which one of the statements below is true regarding the bash ./ command?

SOLUTION: Environment used by the executed command is destroyed when script is done running

Your are now ready to run the turtlesim!